Amazing new multi camera streaming technology. h/t @shirowilde
Tag: Video
OFFF Paris 2010
Rather nice titles for the OFFF conference. An underwater deep sea world, full of these beautiful aquatic creatures and ionosphere sounds give it a really dreamy feeling.
Provoking + Emotional
The brave new world for commercials. Have a glimpse of new thinking for Honda from W+K London.
Crisis of Credit Visualized
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis told in the most beautiful and simplest of visual styles.
Hilarious promo for the 2010 Young Directors Award
Hat tip to @brainpicker
Jeff Bezos about Amazon
Outstanding gems of philosophy for any business or entrepreneur. Thank you for sharing and best wishes to Amazon and Zappos. This is how CEO’s should be, being able to speak to everyone on a same level and imparting and reinforcing statements and knowledge in a down to earth manner.
How not to chop down a tree
If you get the logic wrong, you better not cry over a broken house.
Doing a bunch of new design work for Nickelodeon, including the king of the bubbles…
Captured on the street of Hong Kong/Shanghai in 2006. Colin Mutchler over at ActiveFreeMedia providing the soulful acoustic tunes, courtesy of the YouTube audio swap function.
Pleasures with ichat
Apple iChat enabled this sparky conversation with some distant friends in Scotland. Okay, some credit does go to broadband internet for providing a fast, stutter-free video connection. I’m putting this up out of great respect for the humor/spontaneity of good video chat. These lovely bunch of friends are all alumni of Edinburgh College of Art.