
Coakleyed the new verb


“coakley” v. (coak-lee)

1. To oust from contention or power a heavily favored candidate by a angry fed up electorate sick of the way things are.
2. To set out to coakley comeone

(present tense) “Watch while we coakley Harry Reid right back to Nevada.
(past tense) “Wow, Mr. Specter, looks like you really got coakleyed!”

Etymology: c.2010, after the stunning political defeat of Martha Coakley who a month before the election was being polled at +31 points among likely voters but went down to a five point defeat in heavily liberal Massachusetts and lost the senate seat occupied (and many felt was held in fee simply ownership by the family of) the late Ted “The chauffeur” Kennedy after his death from cancer required a special election despite democrats’ attempts to bequeath it to Harry Reid. The seat was won by Mass. state legislator, Republican and truck owner Scott Brown.

Narrative Products

Good stories

Came across a firm doing some nice interactive design work for TomTom up in Boston, MA. They understand (and can articulate nicely) some of the learning’s of good e-commerce content. A firm with a passion for storytelling.