Daring Acts People

Thriving on creative risk

Steve McQueen offers a unique trait to daring, namely how one noble decision to act can spur everyone else to follow his lead.

Risk Management
Risk Management

A daring act starts with acknowledging risk, accepting the odds and managing a margin of error. Steve McQueen offers a unique trait to daring, namely how one noble decision to act can spur everyone else to follow his lead.

3 replies on “Thriving on creative risk”

What type of bike was Steve McQueen riding in the movie “The Great Escape”?

It was a 1962 Triumph Bonneville

Auctioned off at the Motor Sports Museum of Orlando Memorabilia Auction October 7th, 2007 with a certificate of authenticity that he rode it in the movie.

One last thought on this matter — protagonist in the cinema I love have no need to be super-human. Writers just need to create characters with a plate full of motivation. Make us feel we’ve enough reasons to act. Just like McQueen would have you believe.

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