Industrial Design Products


Office shelving, albeit the low-cost variety (excluding Ikea) can be a real challenge to find. First up, from Velocity


Land Rover hits 4 million


The revised and stylist looking LR2.


Pure Excitement

phonespan2Somebody find out how open the iPhone platform will be? If the phone truly runs on OS X it will be a gnawing disappointment if 3rd party programs are not available. Of course if Cingular had its way it would charge for every application installed, but Apple persuaded the record companies to compromise on content control and I hope they can do the same here.


Efficient design.

Simplehuman says “Tools for efficient living.”

“We design housewares to make you more efficient at home — from a spoon rest on a utensil holder to a pedal that’ll outlast 50,000 steps, or a paper towel holder that won’t unravel and a dishrack that drains in different directions. We know we’ve done our job when you wonder how it’s possible to love a trash can that much. See below for examples of our design innovations”


Garmin Navi.

The GPS industry is still in generation 2 – the first generation of GPS units just showed you where you were by giving Lat/Lon coordinates. The second generation added maps. The third generation will integrate some social network functions, like letting locals post corrections or “best routes” somewhere so that other users could download them and use them in their own GPS. The Nuvi is a G2+ model in that it has maps and routing and a bunch of other functions, but nothing clearly different from any other G2 GPS units. Mac OS X RouteBuddy GPS software.


Satellite phones.

The monstrous handsets are gone, check out the slender and sleek sat phones. Would they tempt you back now that the original clunky devices have seemingly dropped off the map? During the NY blackouts and the recent London terror campaigns, the mobile phone network was knocked out by the instantaneous spike in phone traffic. Expeditions to mountainous regions still rely on these bad boys.

Observations Products

Old school classics


The VW camper van was built nearly 60 years ago and is now becoming one of the great vehicles of all times, its nature seems to be one that will never give up. The VW camper van will always turn heads and will always be part of an owners life. The VW camper represents a certain way of life, a life of freedom, a life of youthfulness. Check out the airstream for a new school vibe.