Brands Observations

Supreme coffee cups

Coffee Supreme’s take-out cups were already known in NZ and Australia for being unusual, distinctive and quirky, so while we knew from our re-brand brief that they wanted the brand to ‘grow up’, they felt it was important they didn’t lose their individuality.

Cleverly sophisticated Supreme coffee cups Cleverly sophisticated and stylish design team at coffee supreme in NZ who give you these delightful cups.

Design and brewing, hand-in-hand:

When coffee drinkers pick up a cup of Supreme coffee they have high expectations. Our approach is based on finding the best quality raw materials – the green beans – that we can obtain, and then roasting them carefully so that the entire inherent flavor potential comes through in the cup.

Independent specialty coffee roasters all nodding in agreement.



gorilla coffee packaging

Stunning simplicity. Branding a distinctive ape allows Brooklyn based coffee house complete mindshare of the ape=strong coffee market.

Brands Photography

Salvatore Ferragamo


Mario Testino shoots Salvatore Ferragamo SS2012 campaign. Intriguing body language.

“She might be ambivalent because she doesn’t want to act impetuously.”

View the collection


Ugly boots

What happened to the unfashionable brand they dimly call ugly-boots?


Lifestyle branding with a certain style and grace.

For somebody very disconnected with the product I’m not exactly the target audience for this campaign. But let us be honest, this is amazing work. Stunning and very classy:

I’m guessing it all hints at the brand suggesting that it’s in touch with peace with nature, sympathetic living and a life rooted by the goodness of the outdoors!


Life’s twists and turns

swisslifeTime for some dark humored posters that reveal a twist of fate.

“I never want children are great.
For all life’s twists and turns: Flexible financial plans.”

HT @pivoting via Ad’s of the World

Brands Photography

Art and Science


I’m just not too sure Gucci intended this to go this far, right? (click to skip the smoking canister)

Clearly a provocative image, likely re-released to become a viral sensation.  Gucci obviously took it upon themselves to race to the bottom of the heap. But why?

Branding Brands put it concisely:

As we all know, understand, and imagine; Gucci sells sex. Since 1994 when Tom Ford took over Gucci the company had one clear message “sex!” It was the sexual revolution of women lead by Tom Ford who’s dream was who’s dream was to empower women on a sexual level.


This recent campaign follows a simple undeniable trend: Sex sells. Gucci rose out of what seemed certain bankruptcy to one of the most popular and successful luxury fashion retailers.

Although controversial the original provocative ad campaigns by the “then” creative director Tom Ford ensured his message of sexual empowerment became a series of intriguing ads.

But let us be clear about the “now” brand message under new leadership of Frida, Gucci is a beacon of luxury taste, a fashion role model with a halo of respect. The imagination runs wild on Gucci’s seductive visuals, never the explicit. Sure my own righteousness is questionable.

HT @beautiful-visible


Vans United

vans.ceEnjoying these freestyle expressive brand marks for Vans United.

Brands Daring Acts

Culture Jammer

jammer rebrandingCulture jammer rebranding London’s new bikes with some thought provoking messages about the sponsor. One of the user comments caught our attention:

“I’d like to know where they got their info from (I like quoted sources) but I generally approve of ‘this kind of thing’.

Props from @GuerrillaGardening


Brand Reality

Ije Nwokorie, Senior Strategist, Wolff Olins – Asks ‘Do brands matter in a recession?’ The short answer is if your brand is just about image then no. Competition will catch up. People flip in and out of perceived ‘brand image’ by mood and ultimately what’s in your wallet. But if your a world class brand it’s always about reality. Putting that little suggestion of empathy back to your customers and taking a view on what’s happening in the world. True to what you believe is reassuring and trustworthy.

Hat tip to @shiraabel



Perla Black Label

Such renowned Perla luxury. Aside from the painfully skinny model I’m loving that lush purple tint which completes the black label look. Oh, the new Perla site is a dream, featuring a 1920’s art direction for this season. Hmmm! Back to reality, David Hume’s Essays, Moral and Political, 1742, include:

“Beauty in things exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.”

Within reason. I would argue certain beauty requires zero contemplation. It just is (example: Campagnolo)